Rules of participation

The Motor Ombudsman’s Garage Star and Customer Service Star Awards

Rules of Participation for Nominated Businesses

These Rules of Participation (‘Rules’) govern the running of The Motor Ombudsman’s ‘Garage Star’ and ‘Customer Service Star Awards’ (the ‘Competition’) for Nominated Businesses (defined below).

The Competition is administered through the site and the site’s web page (together, the ‘Website’).

Your attention is also drawn to the Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The Promoter is The Motor Ombudsman Limited (“The Motor Ombudsman”, “we”), and we reserve the right to extend the Competition time period where it is necessary in certain unavoidable circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control, and where not doing so would be unfair to those who attempted to participate within the original Competition time period or would not disadvantage those who did participate. If we choose to extend the Competition time period, notice will be given on the Website which is owned and operated by the Promoter.

  1. The Competition will be based on the Judging Criteria in assessing Nominations.
  2. A ‘Business’ is defined as a business that is eligible for Nomination by being (a) accredited to The Motor Ombudsman’s Motor Industry Codes of Practice for Service and Repair, Vehicle Sales, New Cars or Vehicle Warranties (b) situated within Great Britain, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland and (c) listed on the Website, during the period of the competition, 1st May 2024 to 18th October 2024.
  3. A ‘Nomination’ is defined as an entry via the nomination form submitted via The Motor Ombudsman Website about a ‘Business’.
  4. Nominations submitted must be completed by residents of Great Britain, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland, and be aged 18 or over. Employees of the Promoter or of any of the other companies in the group of companies of which the Promoter is part, employees of a ‘Business’, or any agents or individual professionally connected with the Prize Draw or the Competition are not able to submit a Nomination.
  5. Existing rules set by the Promoter in relation to the Nominations will apply for the duration of this competition. These rules are set out below:

(a) A Nomination that is not in relation to an exceptional act of customer service between , will be excluded from the competition.

(b) A Nomination that is not in a relation to a ‘Business’ will be excluded from the Competition.

(c) Nominations that are incomplete or exceed 200 words for the consumer testimonial/feedback will be excluded from the Competition.

(d) Duplicate Nominations submitted will be excluded from the Competition.

(e) Fraudulent Nominations submitted will be excluded from the Competition (identification of a fraudulent Nomination will be within the sole discretion of the Promoter whose decision will be final).

(f) The Promoter shall have the sole discretion to remove any Nominations from the Competition that it deems to be inappropriate or invalid and shall not be required to provide a reason for such removal.

There are two types of Star Awards: 

The’ Garage Star Awards’: which are open to any independent garage or car dealership that is accredited to The Motor Ombudsman’s Service and Repair and / or Vehicle Sales Codes. Eligible businesses are listed on our Garage Finder.

The ‘Customer Service Star Awards’: which are open to vehicle manufacturers accredited to The Motor Ombudsman’s New Car Code, a vehicle warranty products companies accredited to the Vehicle Warranty Products Code, or for head offices of franchised dealer groups, independent garage groups and body repair centres.

The ‘Garage Star Awards’

6. The Competition nominations will be divided into eight Regions (East, Midlands, North, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South, Wales and West), according to the location of the Business.

7. In each of the eight Regions, one Business will be chosen as the Regional Winner based on the Judging Criteria, the Nomination form, customer feedback and any other criteria that the Promoter considers relevant.

8. The Regional Winners will be notified and announced during the week commencing 25th November 2024, and will be named on the Website, on The Motor Ombudsman’s social media channels (i.e. Facebook, X and LinkedIn) and in the press.

9. The Judges will select the National Winner of the ‘Garage Star Awards’, and the Overall Winners for the ‘Customer Service Award’ categories based on the Judging Criteria. The Winners will be notified and announced during the week commencing 25th November 2024 and will be named on the Website, on The Motor Ombudsman’s social media channels (i.e. Facebook, X and LinkedIn) and in the press.

10. The Competition Winner will receive a prize of a £2,000 Shopping Voucher, and The Promoter reserves the right (but is not obliged) to substitute a reasonably equivalent alternative Prize, of equal or greater value, should circumstances make this necessary in the sole opinion of the Promoter.

The ‘Customer Service Awards’

11. The ‘Customer Service Awards’ will have two categories:(a) vehicle manufacturers and (b) vehicle warranty providers. Consumers can nominate an individual within a Business, or the Business itself for each of the above categories. The nominations will be shortlisted to the top three for each of the three categories.

12. The Judges will select the Overall Winners for the ‘Customer Service Award’ categories based on the Judging Criteria. The Winners will be notified and announced during the week commencing 25th November 2024 and will be named on the Website, on The Motor Ombudsman’s social media channels (i.e. Facebook, X and LinkedIn) and in the press.

13. The Promoter reserves the right to take into account customer reviews and its own adjudications/final decisions in relation to a Business.

14. Any decision of the Promoter as to eligibility to take part in the Competition or the result of the Competition will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

15. The Promoter reserves the right to delay, postpone or cancel the Competition in the event of circumstances outside its reasonable control, which it considers make it necessary for it to do so.

16. Any Regional Winner, National Winner, Overall Winner, or Runner-up, may be required to take part in non-paid publicity or advertising relating to the Competition, which may include having photographs taken for promotional and press purposes.

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