What does accreditation mean for businesses?
The Motor Ombudsman is the first and only ombudsman dedicated to the automotive sector. Thousands of businesses across the UK have gained accreditation to one of our Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)-approved Codes of Practice covering car sales, servicing and repairs, new car warranties and extended warranties . They offer clear-cut customer service expectations for car owners and a revenue opportunity for accredited businesses.
Knowing that you adhere to our CTSI-approved codes of practice gives customers confidence in you as a trusted, responsible business: a business that puts them first, always.
Accreditation can improve the revenue and reputation of your business.
Accredited businesses have access to a range of benefits, from access to our dispute resolution and ombudsman service, added credibility with full use of the trusted Motor Ombudsman and CTSI-approved Code logo and access to training. Thousands of customers use our website to find a garage they can rely on meaning more potential business direct to you.
Find out more about the benefits.