The TMO Team

Here you can find out more about The Motor Ombudsman management team.

Bill Fennell

Managing Director, Chief Ombudsman

Bill has worked in the motor industry for almost three decades, and has held senior roles at JLR, BMW and Rover, amongst other vehicle manufacturers. Bill has a first class reputation of enhancing consumer satisfaction. His knowledge and experience of the issues surrounding the sector bring invaluable industry insight and expertise to The Motor Ombudsman.

Sureyya Cansoy

Head of Business Services and Engagement

Sureyya brings over 15 years’ experience in the trade association sector with significant experience of managing relationships with senior stakeholders in government and at board level within the private sector. Her role as part of the senior management team is to assist and advise the Chief Ombudsman and Managing Director, Bill Fennell. She is responsible for developing the organisation through supporting the growth and retention of businesses accredited to The Motor Ombudsman.

Vanessa Horsey

Marketing Manager

Vanessa has extensive experience of working within marketing, insight and performance teams. Before joining the company in 2014  she worked for The University of Law in a variety of roles, including the position of Marketing Manager. She also holds an MSc in Management and Business Research Methods.


You can read more about our team of adjudicators and ombudsmen here.